Ryan Daley

Ryan has always been a work hard and ski hard kind of guy. He was raised in Granite Bay, California by avid sports enthusiasts who brought him to Tahoe, chasing storms, since he was 4 years old. His father, being a construction manager, had him hammering in nails around the same age, so his pursuit of an architectural career in Truckee was a predictable outcome from a very young age.

After graduating from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo in 2017 with a degree in Architecture, Ryan worked in Sacramento for a couple of years, designing public schools. Then, the hunger for worldly experience and the lust for cutting edge design technology got the best of him, and he moved to Stuttgart, Germany to get a masters at the Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research Program (ITECH) at the University of Stuttgart. Here, he studied under the world-renowned professors Achim Menges and Jan Knippers to specialize in the contemporary disciplines of computational design, robotics for construction, material science, and computer science.

The next chapter in Ryan’s pursuit of both design and adventure was moving to Oslo, Norway to be a technical consultant and a backcountry skier. He advised Norwegian design and engineering firms on best practices in design technology and developed bespoke design software to help them solve complex problems. All the while, he was exploring new snowy peaks and new ways of life. After exploring Scandinavia for 2 years, Ryan decided to bring his world experience back home to the Sierra Nevada. He joined MWA with the hope of having a positive influence on his home’s built environment and culture.

You can still find Ryan exploring new summits, although now, he is more focused on the local peaks than ever before.

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MWA and specifically Kristi Thompson took an eye sore of a house, tore it down, and redesigned a beautiful mountain home on the same foot print. Most importantly, she designed the house "we " wanted. WE wanted an open floor plan that maximized our view of the Martis Valley, accommodated our grown children's families, and utilized low maintenance materials ( like tile and stone floors, pavers on the patio and driveway).
BUT the best part of all is all the little things Kristi did that are just part of their "normal" design. Like- extra wide counters, exposed beams in all the rooms, great roof line design, no exposed beams under the roof overhang, fantastic window placement and size, outdoor entries that make access easy in the winter and summer. and the functionallity of the floor plan.
Each time we use the house, whether it's my wife and I, or our whole family , we love it. It's cozy for two or twelve.
They always say you get what you pay for. So if you want a low ball price use another firm. But if you are willing to pay a little more---you will get the house of your dreams.
Frank and Dianne Hodges

-- fdhodges
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